
The Czech passport online is issued to Czech citizens at any age, and is the primary document of international travel issued by the Czech Republic. The passport allows for free rights of movement and residence in any of the states of the European Union and European Free Trade Association.




Unlocking the Process: Applying for a Czech Passport Online

we’ll explore the essential steps to secure a Czech passport online, catering to Czech citizens of all ages. The Czech passport stands as the principal international travel document issued by the Czech Republic, granting its holder the freedom to move and reside within the European Union and the European Free Trade Association. Let’s delve into the details and prerequisites necessary for acquiring this valuable document.

Understanding the Czech Passport

The Czech passport, a symbol of Czech nationality and citizenship, is issued by the Interior Ministry (Ministerstvo vnitra). It’s important to note that, in accordance with international norms, the passport remains the property of the Czech Republic and can be revoked if deemed necessary. This passport serves as a valid Proof of Citizenship document, as stipulated by Czech nationality law, and citizens have the option to hold multiple passports concurrently. However, it’s important to note that children can no longer be included in their parents’ passports.

The Biometric Advantage

Since 2006, the Czech Republic has been issuing biometric passports with a ten-year validity period for adults and a five-year validity period for citizens under fifteen years of age. These modern passports feature a data page printed on a polycarbonate card with a laser-etched photograph, incorporating advanced security features.

The Passport Application Process

 Gather Required Documents

Before you begin your passport application, ensure you have the necessary documents in order. These typically include proof of identity, proof of citizenship, and passport-sized photographs. Be sure to check our website for a detailed list of required documents.

 Complete the Application Form

Once you’ve gathered your documents, it’s time to fill out the passport application form. Our online portal provides an easy-to-follow template, making the process a breeze.

 Schedule an Appointment

To avoid unnecessary delays, schedule an appointment at your nearest Government Services center. This step is crucial for submitting your application and having your biometric data recorded.

Pay the Application Fee

Government Services offers flexible payment options for your convenience. Pay the required fee online or in-person at our service centers.

 Attend the Appointment

Arrive at your scheduled appointment with all necessary documents and your application form. Our friendly staff will guide you through the final steps of the process, including the capture of your biometric data.

Passport Issuance

Once your application is processed, your passport will be issued promptly. You will receive a notification with details on when and where to collect your passport.

Application Requirements

To initiate your Czech passport application, you’ll need to assemble the following essential documents and meet specific criteria:

  1. Czech Birth Certificate: Provide a copy of your Czech birth certificate as proof of your citizenship.
  2. Czech Marriage/Divorce Certificate (if applicable): If you are married or divorced, you must include your Czech marriage or divorce certificate.
  3. Consular Fee: Be prepared to pay the consular fee when collecting your passport.
  4. Previously Issued Czech Passport: If applicable, provide your previously issued Czech or Czechoslovak passport.
  5. Proof of Residency Status in Israel: If you reside in Israel, you will need to submit your citizenship card or Israeli passport. For other cases, a valid visa is required.
  6. Document Proving Czech Citizenship: Include documentation such as a valid Czech passport, a “občanský průkaz” (national ID card), or a certificate of Czech citizenship (not older than 1 year).
  7. Document with “Rodné Číslo” (Unique Personal Number): This can be your birth certificate (if it contains “rodné číslo”), passport, “občanský průkaz,” or any other official document issued by the Ministry of the Interior that contains your “rodné číslo.”
  8. Declaration of Czech Citizenship: Fill out the Declaration of Czech Citizenship (DOC, 52 KB) form and bring it with you.
  9. Passport Photo: Ensure your passport photo adheres to the following criteria:
    • It must not be older than six months.
    • The photo must be in sharp focus and clear, printed on high-quality paper with a high resolution.
    • Your face must be centered and occupy most of the photograph, with neither too close-up nor too distant focus. Your head should not be tilted.
    • Maintain a neutral facial expression with your mouth closed.
    • Your eyes must be open and fully visible, with no red eyes or shadows on your face.
    • If you wear glasses, your eyes must be entirely visible without flash reflections or tinted lenses.

Photographing for Your Biometric Passport

When preparing your photograph for a biometric passport, ensure it complies with the above criteria to avoid any complications during the application process.

By adhering to these guidelines and providing the necessary documentation, you can streamline your application for a Czech passport online. This essential document will grant you the freedom to explore the European Union and the European Free Trade Association with ease, making your international travel experiences smoother and more enjoyable.


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