



Obtaining Your Greek ID Card Online

When it comes to applying for a Greek ID card, navigating the process can be a breeze with the right guidance. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll walk you through each step to ensure you’re well-prepared to secure your Greek ID card efficiently and hassle-free.

Locate the Nearest Office

The first step in obtaining your Greek ID card is to find the nearest official office. Whether you’re residing in Greece or abroad, you can access this service. Depending on your location, follow these guidelines:

Attica and Thessaloniki Districts

If you reside in the Attica and Thessaloniki districts, head over to the Department of Security in your place of residence.

 Rest of the Country

For those living in other parts of Greece, visit the Sub-Division or Security Department of your place of residence.

Abroad Application

If you are applying from abroad, specifically in Germany or Cyprus, your destination is the nearest Greek embassy or consulate.

 Request an Application Form

Once you’ve arrived at the designated office, request a Greek ID card application form. Make sure to complete it accurately, as this is a crucial step in the process.

 Fill Out the Dilosi

As part of your application, you’ll need to fill out and sign a “dilosi” (statement of facts) to declare your intention to obtain an identity card. In case you’re unable to do so, you may require the presence of a witness. Don’t forget to pay the required stamp fees.

Submission of Documents

Submit your completed application along with the necessary documents to the attending officer. They will review your submission to ensure everything is in order.

Biometric Data Collection

If applicable, the attending officer will collect your biometric information, including fingerprints, to further process your application.

 Verification Process

Your submitted information will undergo a thorough verification process. This step ensures the accuracy of the details provided.

Receive Your Greek ID Card

Upon successful completion of the verification process, you will be issued your Greek ID card either on the same day or within a few days.

The Revolutionary New Electronic Greek ID Cards

In a monumental stride towards modernization, the Greek government has successfully realized a visionary concept that has been incubating for over a decade—an electronic identity card, succinctly referred to as the eID. This remarkable innovation brings a multitude of benefits to its cardholders, revolutionizing the way we perceive identification and access to crucial services:

The Evolution of Convenience: Compact and Card-Sized

One of the most apparent advantages of the new electronic Greek ID cards is their physical transformation. They have shed their bulky dimensions and have embraced a sleek and convenient credit card size. This shift in form factor not only makes them easier to carry but also signifies a departure from the unwieldy traditional ID cards.

A Fortified Citadel of Digital Security

The eID’s journey into the digital realm has significantly heightened security standards. Advanced encryption technologies and an array of electronic security systems now envelop these cards, rendering them impervious to threats. With these robust safeguards in place, cardholders can enjoy a newfound sense of security in an increasingly interconnected world.

Microchips: A Space-Efficient Storage Marvel

Perhaps one of the most remarkable feats of the electronic Greek ID card is the efficient utilization of space. The cutting-edge microchips used in eIDs require minimal physical real estate while accommodating extensive biometric data. This technological marvel represents a quantum leap in data storage, ensuring that essential information is readily available without clutter.

Seamless Access to Vital Databases

Beyond traditional identification, the new electronic national identity cards open doors to a plethora of databases, facilitating swift and convenient access to crucial information. Cardholders can effortlessly tap into resources like banking records, police records, medical insurance, and social funds, along with licenses, including driver’s licenses, all through a single, unified card.

Navigating the Greek ID Card Expiry Conundrum

Understanding the validity of Greek ID cards can be a tad perplexing due to conflicting information:

  • The official Department of Home Affairs website, presented entirely in Greek, states that the card has no specified expiry date.
  • Meanwhile, the Department of Citizen Protection’s official site suggests that it is advisable to replace the card every fifteen years.

For the sake of prudence, it is reasonable to consider the Greek ID card’s validity period as 15 years, ensuring that cardholders remain current with evolving technologies and security standards.

In conclusion, the advent of electronic Greek ID cards ushers in a new era of convenience, security, and accessibility. As we embrace this technological transformation, it’s essential to stay informed about the card’s validity, ensuring that we continue to benefit from the marvels of modern identification systems.

Required Documents

To make the application process smoother, ensure you have the following documents ready:

  • Two recent black and white photos (measuring 3.6 * 3.6 cm).
  • Application – Solemn Statement, obtained from the Integrated Information System of the National Population Register (OCPED) of the Ministry of the Interior. This document should be printed and available for your signature.
  • Application for an identity card, completed by the issuing competent authority, based on your identity as documented in the Integrated Domestic Information System of the Ministry of the Interior or your birth certificate. The application will be provided in hard copy for your signature.
  • Certification of your blood group and RHESUS from a Nursing or Sanitary Laboratory (if you wish to have this information on your card).
  • A travel document or any other document from a domestic or foreign authority that includes your “SURNAME, NAME, AND NAME” in Roman characters (if you wish to deviate from the ELOT 743 standard, you’ll need to submit a responsible statement).
  • For minors, certification of identity evidence by a parent, guardian, or legal guardian is necessary.

By following these steps and ensuring you have the required documents, you’ll be well-prepared to apply for and receive your Greek ID card efficiently. Don’t forget to consult your local authorities for any additional information specific to your situation.


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